Every Business Counts

003 Make friends with money and numbers

Lyn Man Episode 3

The stories we have heard about money and business can impact how we engage with our business.  Our experiences with numbers impacts how we look at, or not, our business numbers.  Our mind is powerful and by becoming aware of the stories we are telling ourselves we can start to change them to ones which support us.  Listen and see is any stories jump out at you.

In this episode we look at:

  • How beliefs and experiences lead to the stories we tell
  • The power of the mind when focused on purpose
  • How the stories we hear about business, profit and money can impact us and your business
  • How the experiences we have with numbers can influence how we look at our business


1.44        How beliefs and experiences impact us

3.23        The power of the mind and focusing on purpose

5.10        How we look at big business and profit impacts our actions

8.10        The impact of stories about money

10.36     How our experiences with numbers impact us

Mentioned in this episode:

Buckminster Fuller


Erin Brockovich


BP Deepwater Horizon



